The Hesperia Wranglers is a family horse club located in Hesperia, California on the high desert.
The Wranglers came into being as an outlet for boundless energy and enthusiasm of a group of young pioneers of the present day Hesperia.
The intent and purpose of this organization is clearly stated in the Articles of Incorporation – “to provide for the promotion of horsemanship for persons residing in the vicinity of Hesperia and surrounding area”.
“Promote athletic events in which the use of the horse and horsemanship are required.”
“Make available all types and forms of service, information organization, or otherwise as may be found from time to time needful, useful, or beneficial to the general public.”
7500 Arrowhead Lake Road, Hesperia, California 92345, United States
Find us on Facebook (Hesperia Wranglers) or Instagram (@hesperiawranglers)! E-Mail inquiries may be made to
Shows are 2nd Saturday of the month, March thru November.
Located at Hesperia Lake in the Equestrian Center at the Val Shearer Arena.
Click here to see 2022 Cumulative Points
General Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Meetings are held at Hesperia Recreation and Park District in the Mojave Room
16292 Lime St, Hesperia, Ca 92345